Yoga related to conventional physical and psychological disciplines originating in India . Yoga is one of the six orthodox disciplines of Hindu philosophy. Yoga is a technique to revitalize the mind. The stress and pressure which the physical body undergoes over a span of life ultimately results in polluted mind and abnormal breathing system. Yoga is a way of life, a conscious act, not a set or series of learning principles. Yoga requires no major effort. In fact trying hard will turn your practices into a routine, painful, even injurious routine and will eventually slow down your progress. Subsequently, and interestingly, the healing effect of Yoga is the direct result of involving the mind totally in inspiring the body to awaken.
The guru Patanjali is considered to be the Father of Yoga because he systematized the knowledge of previous sages and collected this in the form of a manuscript called the ‘Yoga Sutras’, two thousand Years ago. He described the principles of the full eight fold yogic discipline. He composed the treatise in brief code words known as 'Sutras'. 'Yoga Sutras' is the most vital basic text on Yoga. It is through this basic thesis that the essential message of yoga spread throughout the world. Many other Hindu books discuss aspects of yoga, including the Vedas, Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the Shiva Samhita and various Tantras.
Sage Patanjali has counseled eight stages of Yoga discipline. They are
- Yama- Yamas (abstentions or restrains)
- Niyama- Niyamas (observances)-austerities, purity, contentment, study, surrender of the ego
- Asana- Physical postures or exercises
- Pranayama- Breathing control
- Partyahara- Withdrawal of the senses
- Dharana- Concentration of the mind (Contemplation)
- Dhyana- Meditation
- Samadhi- Attainment of the super conscious state
There are different types of yoga that are practiced such as the following:
- Raja Yoga
- Pranava yoga
- Vinyasa Yoga
- Ashtanga Yoga
- Hatha Yoga
- Kundalini Yoga
- Dhyana Yoga
- Iyengar Yoga
- Bikram Yoga
- Bhakti Yoga
- Jnana Yoga
- Karma Yoga
- Mantra Yoga
- Tantra Yoga
- Purna Yoga
- Sidha Yoga
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